From Terrain to Taste: The 5-Step Mastery Behind Espresso DaVinci’s Roasting Process

At Espresso DaVinci, our coffee is not merely a beverage; it's a labor of love, cultivated through a meticulous 5-step process. Each sip you take has been curated with precision, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Let's embark on a journey, diving deep into the process that transforms the humble coffee bean into the exquisite cup you hold in your hands.

Travelling to Coffee’s Heartlands

Our commitment begins with a journey. Instead of waiting for the coffee to come to us, we venture out to the world's renowned coffee-producing regions. From the terraced mountains of Colombia to the lush landscapes of Ethiopia, our quest is to find beans that meet our lofty standards. By travelling, we foster close relationships with farmers, understanding their land and practices, ensuring sustainability and ethical practices are always at the forefront.

Gathering: Handpicking Excellence

Once we’re at the origin, we indulge in the delicate process of gathering. Not all coffee beans are created equal. Our experienced partners, with hands shaped by years of tradition, handpick only the ripest and most flavor-packed cherries. This careful selection ensures that only the best beans make their way to Espresso DaVinci, setting the foundation for the unparalleled taste you relish.

Tasting: Pursuit of the Perfect Profile

Tasting is both an art and a science. Before any bean is approved, it undergoes rigorous cupping sessions. Our skilled tasters, with palates refined over years, brew and taste, seeking out the nuanced flavors, aromas, and acidity levels. Only beans that mesmerize our tasters, fulfilling our stringent taste profile requirements, progress to the next step.

Quality Control: Assurance in Every Bean

Excellence is our standard, and quality control is the gatekeeper. Beyond flavor, we assess the physical quality of the beans, checking for imperfections, ensuring uniformity, and verifying moisture content. Each bean is a testament to our dedication to quality, and any bean that doesn't meet our criteria is left out. This rigorous quality assurance means that when you buy Espresso DaVinci coffee, you’re getting consistency in every cup.

Roasting: Crafting the Final Symphony

Roasting is the crescendo of our process. Armed with the knowledge from our travels, the feedback from our tasters, and the data from quality control, our master roasters then tailor the roasting process for each batch. Through precise temperature control and timing, they coax out the beans' hidden flavors, aromas, and richness. The result? A perfectly roasted bean that encapsulates our journey and dedication.


The Journey of a Coffee Bean